The Inspired Six-figure

Business Bootcamp


small business owners overcome past failures,leap from employee to entrepreneur, build a highlyprofitable business without losing their family, freedomor flexibility while

living the life they deserve.


Tami Jaffe

Founder, The Inspired Six Figure Business BootCamp

Do You DayDream


Reaching More
People So You Can
Work Less And Have
More Money

Having More Structure
around in your
business and making
it scalable.

Developing an
EcoSystem Of
Revenue Streams
That Actually Works
For You?

Becoming Magnetic
To Attract The Right
People So You Don’t
Have To
“Find Clients?”

 This whole business thing was supposed 

to be so much easier right?

You’ve got this big dream, this bold goal, this brilliant vision of where you want to be…

And while it’s going okkkkkaaaay, you know you can do SO much more.

You want to be profitable. You want to work less.
You want to do more with your time

Get high paying clients so you can have more influence and impact in the world.


To inform, empower, educate and provide the tools, techniques and systems to build a highly profitable Service Based Business.

To liberate independent success minded professionals from the shackles of a corporate career

so that they can start, grow and scale their own purpose driven business and not only replace their

Corporate income but exceed it..


  • Have you had a high level of success in your career, but now realize you want more?

  • Have you been dreaming about starting your business but your full time job has taken priority and you need help getting started?

  • Have you already started your side hustle and are ready to create that consistent income so that you can develop your exit strategy from the job?

  • Or, Have you already made that leap into your business full time and realizing it is harder than you thought and the income isn’t consistent enough?

If you answered yes to any of these…




Nodding? Read on.


Ready To START


Living your best Life?



  • Coaches

  • Consultants

  • Career & Professionals

  • Speakers

  • Experts

  • Entrepreneurs

  • Leaders

Any person with a desire to build a profitable business and live life to the fullest.

This is for you

 if you are ready to...

Get to six-figures and beyond by starting to make bigger shifts, decisions and better moves in your business.

Teach other people your ‘special sauce’ in a 1:1 or group environment

Be surrounded by an amazing group of supportive people who are in the same boat as you (and understand exactly what you’re going through)

Build your business in a profitable way, attract the right clients and scale.

Take all the pieces of the puzzle of starting a business and finally put them all together in an order that makes sense and makes money.

If you're nodding along,




Online Course & Community:

The Inspired Six-figure

Business Bootcamp

The Inspired Six-figure

Business Bootcamp

I created the Bootcamp to support professionals that want to take their knowledge, expertise and skills to make the leap from employees to entrepreneurs so that they can speed up the process and get their first clients fast with simple systems, strategies and products that work.

So, if you’re someone who loves simple yet powerful growth strategies, then I want to support you to build your profitable business.

I've worked with many entrepreneurs
now to support them to

create amazing profitable businesses and

I want to do the Same for You!

What You’ll
Find In







A Peek Inside




& the dynamic level of support and encouragement you canexpect from this program and our wonderful Comunity of

Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals.

The Inspired Six Figure Business BootCamp

Sneak Preview of


IdentifyingYour IdealClient

FindingYour IdealClients

OvercomingObjections in SalesConversation

Craft YourIrresistibleOffer

Inspired ProfitableEntrepreneurBlueprint

Sales Conversationsthat Convert

The Power ofMomentum


Business Setupand Planningfor Success


So here's a

quick summary of everything

you'll get when you sign up for

The Inspired


Business Bootcamp

  • Pillar 1: Inspired Business Online Video Training Vault

  • Pillar 2: Inspired Business Mentoring

  • Pillar 3: Inspired Business Community

  • Pillar 4: Inspired Business Live Events

  • Pillar 5: Accountability to Hit Your Goals

The Overcoming Sales Objections Training to help you handle any type of objection that gets thrown your way and learn the 1 question that will beat their objection every time.

Fast Action Bonus (limited) Offer Creation Workshop to develop your customized program that fits what your ideal clients need.

Over $21,482 in Value, Yours Today For Only...


  • Inspired Six-Figure Business Bootcamp Training (Value $9,997)

  • G.R.O.W. Now Plan (Value $1,997)

  • The Referral Treasure Chest (Value $1,997)

  • ​Live Coaching (Value $2,497)

  • ​Bonus: The Overcome Objections Training (Value $2,997)

  • ​Fast Action Bonus: Craft Your Irresistible Offer Live Workshop (Value $1,997)

Our Personal Guarantee

If you show up, do the work and are not happy for any reason after 30 days, we will refund your money 100% no questions asked.

This is for you

 if you are ready to...

1. Get to six-figures and beyond by starting to make bigger shifts, decisions and better moves in your business.

2. Build your business in a profitable way, attract the right clients and scale.

3. Teach other people your ‘special sauce’ in a 1:1 or group environment

4. Take all the pieces of the puzzle of starting a business and finally put them all together in an order that makes sense and makes money.

5. Be surrounded by an amazing group of supportive people who are in the same boat as you (and understand exactly what you’re going through)

Get to six-figures and beyond by starting to make bigger shifts, decisions and better moves in your business.

Teach other people your ‘special sauce’ in a 1:1 or group environment

Be surrounded by an amazing group of supportive people who are in the same boat as you (and understand exactly what you’re going through)

Build your business in a profitable way, attract the right clients and scale.

Take all the pieces of the puzzle of starting a business and finally put them all together in an order that makes sense and makes money.

If you're nodding along,




Online Course & Community:

The Inspired Six-figure

Business Bootcamp

I Created

The Inspired Six-figure

Business Bootcamp

to support professionals that want to take their knowledge, expertise and skills to make the leap from employees to entrepreneurs so that they can speed up the process and get their first clients fast with simple systems, strategies and products that work.

So, if you’re someone who loves simple yet powerful growth strategies, then I want to support you to build your profitable business.

I've worked with many entrepreneurs
now to support them to

create amazing profitable businesses and

I want to do the Same for You!

What You’ll
Find In







A Peek Inside

The Inspired Six Figure Business BootCamp

Sneak Preview of

The Modules




& the dynamic level of support and encouragement you canexpect from this program and our wonderful Comunity of

Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals.

  • Identifying Your Ideal Client

  • Craft Your Irresistible Offer

  • Finding Your Ideal Clients

  • Sales Conversations that Convert

  • Onboarding New Clients

  • Business Setup and Planning for Success

  • Inspired Profitable Entrepreneur Blueprint

  • Mindset Mastery

  • The Power of Momentum

So here's a

quick summary of everything

you'll get when you sign up for

The Inspired


Business Bootcamp

  • Pillar 1: Inspired Business Online Video Training Vault

  • Pillar 2: Inspired Business Mentoring

  • Pillar 3: Inspired Business Community

  • Pillar 4: Inspired Business Live Events

  • Pillar 5: Accountability to Hit Your Goals

The Overcoming Sales Objections Training to help you handle any type of objection that gets thrown your way and learn the 1 question that will beat their objection every time.

Fast Action Bonus (limited) Offer Creation Workshop to develop your customized program that fits what your ideal clients need.

Over $21,482 in Value, Yours Today For Only...


$ 1,497

  • Inspired Six-Figure Business Bootcamp Training (Value $9,997)

  • G.R.O.W. Now Plan (Value $1,997)

  • The Referral Treasure Chest (Value $1,997)

  • ​Live Coaching (Value $2,497)

  • ​Bonus: The Overcome Objections Training (Value $2,997)

  • ​Fast Action Bonus: Craft Your Irresistible Offer Live Workshop (Value $1,997)


$ 499

  • Inspired Six-Figure Business Bootcamp Training (Value $9,997)

  • G.R.O.W. Now Plan (Value $1,997)

  • The Referral Treasure Chest (Value $1,997)

  • ​Live Coaching (Value $2,497)

  • ​Bonus: The Overcome Objections Training (Value $2,997)

  • ​Fast Action Bonus: Craft Your Irresistible Offer Live Workshop (Value $1,997)




If you show up, do the work and are not happy for any reason after 14 days, we will refund your money 100%, no questions asked.

Who Is
Tami Jaffe ?

Tami Jaffe is a success coach, energy shifter, author, and international speaker who inspires successful professionals who are dreaming of resigning and doing something new.

Tami helps guide her clients through the sometimes overwhelming prospect of starting a new business. Her Amazon #1 best-selling book You Already Made the Decision, You Just Aren’t Happy With It, is a guide on how to make better decisions or live with the ones you’ve already made.

She has made it her mission to liberate independent success-minded professionals from the shackles of a corporate career so they can start, grow, and scale their own businesses and not only replace their corporate income but exceed it. She teaches you what to do when in your business to have the most success and not waste time and money on shiny objects that can be a distraction.

Tami offers a wide range of coaching and consulting services and programs from
inspiring retreats, a business school, individual coaching, online courses, workshops,
masterminds and keynote speeches aimed to support entrepreneurs to reach their
highest visions by getting clarity on their future and developing the courage and
confidence to claim a better life.

Who Is
Tami Jaffe ?

Tami Jaffe is a success coach, energy shifter, author, and international speaker who inspires successful professionals who are dreaming to resign and do something new.

Tami helps guide her clients through the sometimes overwhelming prospect of
starting a new business. Her Amazon #1 best-selling book You Already Made the Decision, You Just Aren’t Happy With It, is a guide on how to make better decisions or live with the ones you’ve already made.

She has made it her mission to liberate independent success-minded professionals from the shackles of a corporate career so they can start, grow and scale their own business and not only replace their corporate income but exceed it. She teaches you what to do when in your business to have the most success and not waste time and money on the shiny objects that can be a distraction.

Tami offers a wide range of coaching and consulting services and programs from
inspiring retreats, a business school, individual coaching, online courses, workshops, masterminds and keynote speeches aimed to support entrepreneurs to reach their highest visions by getting clarity on their future and developing the courage and confidence to claim a better life.

I always did somethingI was a little not ready to do.

I think that’s how you grow.

When there’s that moment of
‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ &
you push through those moments, that’swhen you have a breakthrough.

- Marissa Mayer,


I always did somethingI was a little not ready to do.

I think that’s how you grow.

When there’s that moment of
‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ &
you push through those moments, that’swhen you have a breakthrough.

- Marissa Mayer,


Frequently AskedQuestions

A - It's really quite simple.

When I started out on this journey…

I didn't have a lot of people in my corner.

Truth is, some people thought I was crazy...

And there was nowhere to go for support, encouragement and real learning as a new entrepreneur.

I tried so many things that people said were the 1 thing to make you millions and the secrets to a successful business…

But they were not the right things for those just starting out.

They missed the foundational pieces you have to get in order to start getting consistent income.

That's why I made it my mission to help liberate professionals from the shackles of the corporate career so they can start, grow and scale their own businesses and not only replace their income but exceed it…

So they could have the freedom to do what they want, when they want.

Over the past several years, I've seen what a difference it can make in the lives of people like you.

And I want nothing more than to help more people around the world.

I want to help committed, dedicated and passionate people like you to start their dream business and build this legacy together.

A - I understand how you feel.

What most people don't realize is that I didn't start out confident.

In fact, I was extremely uncertain of myself when I began this journey.

I was worried about whether I could be successful in my business and grow it fast enough.

I didn't know anything other than the corporate life so I wasn't sure what it was going to take.

Yet once I started working with some of my amazing clients, I was able to quickly enter my Genius Zone.

Once I figured out what I really needed to be doing in my business my confidence grew…

And as my confidence grew, I gained more exposure…

And as I gained more exposure, I got more clients…

And as I got more clients, I could charge more…

And as I charged more, my confidence grew…

It was an upward spiral.

I grew in so many areas…

• I learned where to actually find thousands of ideal clients
• I figured out how to actually have a sales conversation that converts
• I learned how to coach and communicate in a way that got others excited!
• I honed my skills
• Most importantly, I figured what to be doing when in my business to make consistent income

And I want to share how with you!

Because as I figured these things out I realized that most of the programs out there don't actually tell you what to do when you are first starting out.

They are trying to sell you some more advanced tactics that don't work when you don't have a big list or a lot of money to invest because you haven't gotten to six-figures yet.

So, I know that with the right strategy and the right support that you can do this too.

That's why I created this program!

I want to see you succeed and get everything you are looking for.

But it starts with creating the foundations for your business so that you can build on it from there.

Remember, confidence comes from getting clarity on what to do, how to do it and then seeing results which will breed even more confidence.

A - It's really simple. Most coaches get bogged down with busy, frustrating tasks like online course creation, trying to figure out sales funnels, building a website and wondering where to get clients.

With The Inspired Six-Figure Business Bootcamp, you will not get bogged down with all these things as I will be showing you exactly where to find your first clients.

That's right. In just a few short weeks from now, you'll be clear on your business, working with your first clients and enjoying the income coming in.

And before you know it…

You'll feel like you have a legitimate business that is making six-figures.

A - Most new entrepreneurs aren't confident selling themselves, and it becomes a huge roadblock which stops them from reaching their full potential.

When I started I kept saying I'm not a sales person! It was one of the biggest blocks I had to overcome.

There were many things I had to reframe about having a sales conversation.

Then I had to figure out how to address people's objections in a way that didn't feel pushy or manipulative.

Once I learned those things, I realized I wasn't selling…I was being of service!

People actually needed what I was offering and it would be a disservice to not offer it to them.

So, I'm going to be sharing these reframes and how to have a sales conversation that actually converts AND feels good!

That way you can start strong and not resist one of the most important activities to starting your business!

A - You will have several trainings where you will be learning things like:

• The steps to getting your business started with paying clients
• Clarity on who and how you can help others
• Developing your authentic message for your market
• Designing your irresistible offer
• Simple ways to sell your program
• Have sales conversations that convert
• What you should be doing when in your business
• And soooo much more!!!

This program is designed to get you jumpstarted in your business and provides tools and templates to help you get clients now.

A - All the live calls will be recorded so you can listen to them later if you miss it live.

A - More than you need! Ha!

I designed this program to be high engagement oriented.

This is not one of those programs that you sign up for and realize you never have a chance to ask questions or the person you bought from isn't the one running the sessions.

There are several coaching hours scheduled where you can get feedback on your business and come with any questions you have and get your answers so that you aren't spinning wondering what to do and can clarity on how to move forward.

Plus you will be able to post things in the Facebook group to get support and feedback throughout the course.

A - Sure – This is a program built with the ultimate level of support to build the foundations of your business.

Here's an overview of everything included:
• Trainings that will give you clarity and get you clients
• Group Coaching Calls
• Templates to refine your messaging
• Workbooks and challenges
• Support Forum
• Bonus: Overcoming Objections Training
• Fast Action Bonus: The Offer Creation Workshop

A - It's easy. Just click on the button to either pay in full or do the payment plan option. Then you will complete a form with your information and you will be ready to get started!

If we are inbetween programs you will click on this link below to fill out an application and schedule a time to learn more.

@ 2024 Tami Jaffe

Frequently AskedQuestions

A - It's really quite simple.

When I started out on this journey…

I didn't have a lot of people in my corner.

Truth is, some people thought I was crazy...

And there was nowhere to go for support, encouragement and real learning as a new entrepreneur.

I tried so many things that people said were the 1 thing to make you millions and the secrets to a successful business…

But they were not the right things for those just starting out.

They missed the foundational pieces you have to get in order to start getting consistent income.

That's why I made it my mission to help liberate professionals from the shackles of the corporate career so they can start, grow and scale their own businesses and not only replace their income but exceed it…

So they could have the freedom to do what they want, when they want.

Over the past several years, I've seen what a difference it can make in the lives of people like you.

And I want nothing more than to help more people around the world.

I want to help committed, dedicated and passionate people like you to start their dream business and build this legacy together.

A - I understand how you feel.

What most people don't realize is that I didn't start out confident.

In fact, I was extremely uncertain of myself when I began this journey.

I was worried about whether I could be successful in my business and grow it fast enough.

I didn't know anything other than the corporate life so I wasn't sure what it was going to take.

Yet once I started working with some of my amazing clients, I was able to quickly enter my Genius Zone.

Once I figured out what I really needed to be doing in my business my confidence grew…

And as my confidence grew, I gained more exposure…

And as I gained more exposure, I got more clients…

And as I got more clients, I could charge more…

And as I charged more, my confidence grew…

It was an upward spiral.

I grew in so many areas…

• I learned where to actually find thousands of ideal clients • I figured out how to actually have a sales conversation that converts • I learned how to coach and communicate in a way that got others excited! • I honed my skills • Most importantly, I figured what to be doing when in my business to make consistent income

And I want to share how with you!

Because as I figured these things out I realized that most of the programs out there don't actually tell you what to do when you are first starting out.

They are trying to sell you some more advanced tactics that don't work when you don't have a big list or a lot of money to invest because you haven't gotten to six-figures yet.

So, I know that with the right strategy and the right support that you can do this too.

That's why I created this program!

I want to see you succeed and get everything you are looking for.

But it starts with creating the foundations for your business so that you can build on it from there.

Remember, confidence comes from getting clarity on what to do, how to do it and then seeing results which will breed even more confidence.

A - It's really simple. Most coaches get bogged down with busy, frustrating tasks like online course creation, trying to figure out sales funnels, building a website and wondering where to get clients.

With The Inspired Six-Figure Business Bootcamp, you will not get bogged down with all these things as I will be showing you exactly where to find your first clients.

That's right. In just a few short weeks from now, you'll be clear on your business, working with your first clients and enjoying the income coming in.

And before you know it…

You'll feel like you have a legitimate business that is making six-figures.

A - Most new entrepreneurs aren't confident selling themselves, and it becomes a huge roadblock which stops them from reaching their full potential.

When I started I kept saying I'm not a sales person! It was one of the biggest blocks I had to overcome.

There were many things I had to reframe about having a sales conversation.

Then I had to figure out how to address people's objections in a way that didn't feel pushy or manipulative.

Once I learned those things, I realized I wasn't selling…I was being of service!

People actually needed what I was offering and it would be a disservice to not offer it to them.

So, I'm going to be sharing these reframes and how to have a sales conversation that actually converts AND feels good!

That way you can start strong and not resist one of the most important activities to starting your business!

A - You will have 10 training sessions over the 3 months where you will be learning things like:

• How to figure out what business is best to start
• The steps to getting your business started with paying clients
• Clarity on who and how you can help
• Developing your authentic message for your market
• Designing your irresistible offer
• Simple ways to sell your program
• Where to find thousands of your ideal clients
• Have sales conversations that convert
• What you should be doing when in your business
• And soooo much more!!!

This program is designed to get you jumpstarted in your business and provides everything you need to build the foundations of a six-figure business.

A - All the live calls will be recorded so you can listen to them later if you miss it live.

The trainings will be released to you on Monday so that you can listen to it at your convenience.

A - More than you need! Ha!

I designed this program to be high engagement oriented.

This is not one of those programs that you sign up for and realize you never have a chance to ask questions or the person you bought from isn't the one running the sessions.

Every week we will have Mentoring Calls where you can get feedback on your business and come with any questions you have and get your answers so that you aren't spinning wondering what to do and can clarity on how to move forward.

Plus you will be able to post things in the Facebook group to get support and feedback throughout the course.

And if you jump in before the bonuses are gone, you will get a private Inspired Vision Strategy Call with me where we will map out your business and get personalized strategies based on your business.

A - Sure – This is a 3 month group coaching program that starts September 15. Throughout those 3 months you will get the ultimate level of support to build the foundations of your business.

Here's an overview of everything included:
• Weekly trainings
• Weekly Mentoring Calls
• Weekly accountability
• Templates to refine your messaging
• Workbooks and challenges
• Support Forum
• Bonus: The Overcoming Objections Training
• Fast Action Bonus: Offer Creation Workshop

A - It's easy. Just choose either the pay in full or payment plan option and complete your information to get signed up.

If we are in between sessions, you will be able to click on the link below to fill out an application and schedule a time to learn more.

@ 2022 Tami Jaffe

Site funnels by

The Inspired Six Figure Business BootCamp

Limited Seats Available

The Inspired Six Figure Business BootCamp

Limited Seats Available